So thanks to Low Carb Lindsey (She is super super great by the way, please check her out at www.lowcarblindsey.com)....... I was introduced to this yum yum 1 carb per slice healthy bread!!!!!! WOO HOO! So I can now have sandwiches........ on a low carb diet....... say what!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!
Any who...... that picture posted above is my yum yum 1 carb per slice bread from Julian Bakery in La Jolla, CA (or as I call it... Yo Holla!! Cali.) LOL
It came in yesterday. I must say it's not very flavorful, but it's bread..... and bread opens all doors.... that means sandwiches, and french toast .... you name it!!!!! and it's only ONE NET CARB PER SLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
If your interested I will post a video from Julian Bakery on this post as well. Also, as a tip I recommend putting this baby in the freezer so you don't waste a slice. I live in Louisiana so I don't have a Julian Bakery near by that I can just run by a pick up a loaf so I had to order mine from their website:
So, it can be costly to just let this go to waste. One loaf of this yummy bread cost me about $13.00 with shipping included in the price, which isn't terribly bad, but still high enough to not want to waste a single crumb.