Thursday, February 25, 2010

Carrots, Ranch and Katy.......

So, today I forgot my lunch like most days....... But, today is different. I decided to make a conscious decision to do something good for lunch in place of my usual "who cares I'll just eat (insert random junk or garbage here.)"
My sister is coming up here in a few to pick up Tim's check, but I told here that I am holding it hostage until she brings me a healthy lunch lol. I asked her to pick me up some baby carrots and some ranch, and she said she would.
I have been craving this ever since I had some the other night at April's house. She had the carrot ruffles, that looked liked chips. It was neat. I think I might get some and maybe do some experimenting with them. lol
I bet I could brush them with some olive oil, season them and bake them makeing 'em crunchy he he he he. So, for lunch I get a healthy snack, and get to see my baby sister! Arn't I just a lucky gal =)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

So Here is the Embarrassing Part......

This is me now...... 26 years old, 207 pounds...this is not the embarrassing part....the pictures that are below are what is really embarrassing part. Right now I wear a size 16 pants (that are tight)

Me again from the front! Ugh!!
This is me on my honeymoon in June of 2007, I weigh 125 pounds and wear a size 6
Me again on my honeymoon in June 2007...size 6 pants.
This is me on April 26th 2007 on Leandro and I's 7th Anniversary together
and this is me on Thanksgiving Day in 2006 before I lost weight for the wedding. In this picture you can tell I was heavier because of my face. I weighed around 150 and wore size 10-12

OK...... that was embarassing but it feels really good to lay it all out and analyze it all.

So let's do the math now

2006---------------------> 150 lbs
2007---------------------> 125 lbs
2010---------------------> 207 lbs

I have gained a total of 82 POUNDS IN ABOUT 3 YEARS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

that's 27.33 pounds a years!!!!

As you probably figured out I am NOT HAPPY! This is the first time that I actually sat down and did the math and was completely honest with myself and put everything out on the table. How am I to fix a problem when I don't completely understand it? Well, here it I see it and so do you......and now.......I understand it......time to develop a solution!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I need HELP!!!

Do you ever feel like this? I do! In fact, do right now! At this moment I am age 26 years old and I weigh 218 pounds, and I am only 4'10.5. I am miserable. This is the heaviest I have been ever in my life and I am absolutely miserable. I could go on and on about all the things that contributed to my hefty weight gain, but I rather just be passed all that. No....matter what the reasons the result is all the same.
I am starting this blog now because I have made the decision to look, dress, and feel better. I realize that all the desperate things I have tried in the past have not worked or have only worked for me temporarily. Therefore, I realize the only way to be happy, healthy, and feel great about myself is to make this a part of my life which is not easy to do. I don't really like exercising all that much, or eating tasteless foods......I don't think most heavy people do.
But today is different! I had an epiphany! Every time I think about weight loss this is what I think: to loose X amount of pounds, or should I do "South Beach?" "Atkins" "Count Calories?" "Weight Watchers" "surgery?"
Every single pill, surgery, gym, cd, dvd,and friend pops in my head making me go back and forth trying to figure out the perfect thing for me. I just have one major problem....... my problem is not a quick fix. So, I'm no math professor but how do you get a quick fix answer for something that is a life long problem. I wouldn't think you couldn't solve this that easy and I'm can't.
But today! I realized my whole life I have been fighting my weight.....everyone says that... that is the key word "fighting!" That's what I have been doing wrong.......fighting it. What I should have been doing is embracing it, acknowledging it, and work on fixing it. The solution for my weight will depend on the day, mood, feeling, weather etc. Why should you be on one diet or exercise problem everyday? Your not the same person from day to day and your body needs more than just one formula...... so this is my experiment and attempt to embrace my weight now and love myself even at 218, but to create a healthy life style for myself without feeling like I'm "fighting." I am tired of fighting.....time to enjoy......=)

I will post pictures tomorrow of myself at the different stages in my life and up until now....