So, it has been one whole week since my surgery. They weighed me right before surgery and I weighed in at 218. I weighed myself this morning and now I weigh 210. I have lost 8 lbs in 7 days!!
AHHHHH! That's so insane. I am sort of glad it's super fast at first, but will also be glad when it slows down to a much more healthier pace......like 2 to 3 lbs. a week.
These are the body shot pictures I took of myself this morning....they are not very good but Leandro couldn't do it because he had to leave for work. Next weeks will be much better I hope!
I can't stand looking at those pics I took......they disgust me! I know it's important to record the progress though.
Other than that I am feeling great. I won't be able to drive again until this Friday and I won't be able to start working out until another two weeks. I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. LeBlanc for 12/22 so he can check my progress and my incisions.
My incisions look great except one have two blisters near it and it looks gross but doesn't hurt. The only one that hurts is the one where they actually had to go through the muscle, not just the skin. That one hurts!
Other than that...... I am extremely happy! Dr. LeBlanc did a wonderful job and for taht I am so thankful! I ended up having to stay in the hospital for two and a half days instead of just overnight because I was so sick and couldn't keep anything down. He said that hardly ever happens but sometimes on occasion.
I started refusing all pain medicine on Wed. around 8:30 AM and haven't had anything since. I am not in any pain at all...... I am a little uncomfortable but not in any pain...
Well, I guess that about does it as far as the first week goes. I will do a post-op update every week for a month, then I will post updates on a month to month basis unless something unexpected comes up. :)