Well.....I started this blog about my new low-carb lifestyle..... and before that it was "eating clean." I finally got fed up with failed diets and the stress and heart ache of being overweight, PCOS symptoms, infertility, and overall discomfort.
So what did I do.......... I sought a medical professional. I went to my seminar with Dr. Bellanger yesterday and there is where I learned about vertical sleeve gastrectomy or GSV, and how it opens a window of hope for women like me who have PCOS. The symptoms of PCOS after surgery eventually disappear...... this was all I needed to hear!!! My heart sank into my chest as I started to cry in the doctor's office. For so long I didn't feel like a real woman because of PCOS. It makes me feel ugly and unwanted, even though I know my husband loves me and wants me. It's not about him....... I feel like the PCOS prevents me from being the woman that I know I am.
All the symptoms of PCOS:
Irregular periods or heavy periods
Unwanted facial hair
This surgery fixes ALL OF IT except for the facial hair thing but I got rid of that issue a while ago...with my fancy smancy waxing kit LOL
I am so excited!!! My life will never be the same! I will never be fat again, or have to worry about missed periods and take Metformin every single day of my life just to keep the symptoms at bay!!!! This surgery will be the greatest gift I ever give myself!!! I am crying write now writing this! A chance to be normal....... :)
The surgery takes approx. 50 minutes and is done by Laparoscopy. Here is a short video showing how the procedure is done:
Yes, they will be removing a portion of my stomach........ it seems intense but it's OK. I was a little freaked out at first but I am OK now. This was definitely a decision that I made on my own for myself. I am choosing this, and I am happy for me :)
So please be my friend..... and give me your support through this :)
Love you!!